Sunday, December 13, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Streaming Competition
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
How easily can we be entertained?
I look back and wonder, how in the heck was everyone so intreagued by this simplistic, elementary game. For example, in cookie clicker all you do is endlessly tap a screen, just so that you can get enough upgrades to tap the screen for more imaginary currency. And once you reach the highest level of the game. It taps the screen for you just so you can get the imaginary currency to upgrade further and have it tap the screen for you for even more! And you repeat this process until the game dies out of popularity, and another game like flappy bird becomes the most popular game in the school.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
The Fault in Our Songs
The Matrix is a Computer Generated Dream World Made to Control us...
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Love in the movies
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Cedar Rapids,at least we're better than Nebraska
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The longest minute
The first is intervals, you take your shift, or school day, and split it into time segments. Say you are working a 5 hour shift later today, you will split it into segments between 30 minutes, and an hour. Say we choose 30 minutes for this shift. It is split into 10 different segments. Just in case you have to work late, or just for a extra bonus to feel good at the end of the shift, add another hour, or segment onto yours. So for my example I am working a 5 hour shift, that is split into 12 thirty minute segments. At the start of your shift you can look at your watch. But it works best if you try and predict what time it is. So whenever you feel like it has been 30 minutes, look down, and check your watch. If you are doing something boring, it may feel slow at times, but if you feel bored, a lot of the times (at least for me) I look down after what has seemed like a long 30 minutes, and it has turned out to be 45 minutes. When you are at your half way mark, you are actually past the half way mark in your shift, that is if you can trick yourself into thinking that your shift is longer than it actually is.
I really think this can genuinely help you get through the day quicker, with less boredom, and you will feel better afterwards, I still don't think that it is as good as the other method. But if you have the self discipline to look down at your watch whenever it feels like its been 30 minutes instead of every 5 minutes. If you like your job I envy you, but if you don't give this a try, it will make it less painfull.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The best way to have fun with your friends
Prank wars are fun to do with your friends, but should not be taken too far, doing anything that would cause actual damage to property should never be attempted, only harmless, and maybe annoying things, such as tee-peeing, saran wrapping your friends car, and forking their yard.
For those of you who don't know a whole lot about pranking, tee-peeing is when you get a whole bunch of toilet paper, and throw it all over their yard, and maybe house, get it tangled in their tree, this is probably the most severe prank you can do without damaging physical property, saran wrapping somebody's car is simple, you get a couple hundred feet of saran wrap, wrap it around their car, over the windshield, door handle, side mirrors, all over the place so it is just really hard, and annoying to take off, and if you friend is silly enough to leave their car doors unlocked, take a bottle of perfume or axe deodorant with you, and spray it all over the inside of their car, to make it smell terrible. Saran wrapping is my personal favorite prank. The third, and least common is forking, It has to be around this time of year (10/4/2015) because the forks that you stick into the ground have to get stuck. What you do for forking is get a whole bunch of plastic party forks, and simply stick them all over in the ground, when they wake up in the morning, then will not be able to pull them up, and there will be a bunch of forks, and broken forks sticking out of their lawn.
All three of these are very fun to do. Although they may seem mean, you are supposed to do them to you friends, with your Friends, you should not do this to random people, and especially not to teachers. and also remember that all of these are harmless, no physical damage should be done, and it should only be done if you do something wrong. Having a prank war with your friends is so fun because you get to see the reaction of your friends, and you will always have to keep on your toes because you could be next. It is most definitely the most fun thing you can do.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
State Championship
What POV is better?
There is no doubt that it is better for your health to be out playing a sport, rather than inside watching it on the TV. And secondly, playing sports is better than watching for the same reason I believe playing video games is better than watching TV or Netflix. Because it is interactive. While watching the game you get to know the players (if you watch it enough), and you get to see the struggles, the bad calls, and all the really great stuff that people talk about when they talk about football, like interceptions, and touchdowns. but when you are playing the game for yourself, in real life. All of those troubles, and all of the experiences are your experiences. The week after you get back from playing an actual game you will be talking about how I did in the game, the plays i made. Not how the packers did, or how Iowa did.
Also you don't have to sit there are be annoyed or aggravated by the decisions made. The ref has all the authority and there is no arguing that. But you don't have to sit there and ask "What the heck was that throw?!" or "Why didn't he go for the first down". Because you are making the decisions. You have only yourself, and maybe your teammates to be angry at. And when you do something rewarding, the feeling is much better than watching somebody that you have never even met before do it.
And the last reason it is way better to play a game instead of watch it is because it is social. You can sit on your couch and watch a game, and it will be entertaining. But if you are out there playing it, you are having social interactions, and having those fond memories or playing with your acquaintances. People walk around with jerseys of players names, and I really don't think it matters. I think the only reason you should have a name on the back of your jersey is if it is yours, or somebody you actually know.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Spotify vs. Pandora
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Sunday struggle
I know its hard, but if you can, just try not to be like me, don't get behind, If i simply sat down for one night and just do work for one or two hours instead of procrastinating, I would no longer be behind, I would be able to eat at smart lunch, and I would not have as much anxiety about getting done my school work, just do your homework right when you get home, I myself don't do it very often, and I am trying to get better at it, even though I probably won't do it tonight even though I am telling myself right now to do it. But if you are better than me, if you have the self discipline to force yourself to just do it. You will love yourself, you will have a less stressful life, and you will be a happier person, not to mention you will have far better grades, and probably be smarter than me.
Don't let the Sunday struggle happen to you, be strong, and do your work on Friday night, or better yet, get it done during smart lunch, work on tomorrows homework in smart lunch instead of yesterdays homework, I know I've said it a bunch, but when you get home tonight you will not want to, JUST DO IT. You will love yourself at 5 O'clock, and maybe you won't go bald as soon as J Kline.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Console vs PC
Consoles are better for families, you can play split screen games, and party games that you just can't play on the computer, a computer has one keyboard, and one mouse, and is only supposed to be for one person, but a console has four controllers, and can sometimes even hold more. If you are a more social gamer, then a console is right for you.
Consoles are cheaper, and you don't have to worry about them as much, a typical console is about $350, while a decent computer, with all of its accessories can range from $500, to $2000, some can even be more. But with consoles everyone has the same, and you don't have to worry about any processors, video cards, fps, and in my own experience, you don't have to worry about latency as much. While with a PC, you do have to worry about fps, because if you have bad equipment you will have a bad gaming experience, and in my own experience you have to worry about latency, because those with lower latency will have a better experience. But since it costs more, it is far more customizable , you can build you own PC, and you can pick and choose the different parts that you want, so that you will love it. You have a bad computer that holds you back in your ability, or you can have a great computer that pushes you forward to the top.
PC's do cost more, but if you take care of it, and it doesn't break for a long time, then it is not as bad as it seems, consoles every so often, just two years ago the new systems of the Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4 came out. When new consoles come out, they make the old consoles obsolete, and basically force you to buy the new consoles, then once you have the new console, you will have to buy a new controller, the games for it. This can add up very quickly, when you have to replace a new computer, you will still have all of your games, and unless you want to get an upgrade, you will still have your mice, headset, and keyboard.
I personally like computer because its what my friends play, also, you can play far more games on the PC than on consoles because you can have over 100 key combinations, meaning more commands for in game, when in consoles, there is only a dozen at most. When it comes down to it, its really just how much money are you willing to spend, what games do you like to play, and do you want to play, and what your friends play.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
If you love a song.... let it go
My suggestion to you is that if you like a song, don't put it on repeat, and don't put it on a short playlist, playlists should be a medium length, somewhere between 10-20 songs, if you have too many, there will be some that you simply just don't want to hear, and then you will spend half the time skipping songs, and not actually enjoying them. And if they are too short you will hate it soon because it will get old very quickly. If you love a song, just let it go.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
The Delivery Man
He brings you everything you order. He will just bring it to you, and give it to you personally, sometimes you don't even see him. Even if you order something small like a computer mouse he will bring it. I don't know much about other areas, but our delivery guy watches out for us, he will hide packages in between the pillars in our homes, so that it is not easy to see, and so that somebody doesn't come to steal it. He doesn't get paid for it, he just goes ahead and does it because he is a good person, not because he has to, but because he wants to. And that is what separates good people from great people.
Now on the internet you can order something from across the country, or across the world. Imagine traveling all of the way to Tennessee to grab your package, then drive it all the way back, or even to Europe to get it. These delivery men spend long and hard days, and nights to get you the package. I have seen some people invite delivery men into their homes to thank them personally, and I think that it needs to be a more common thing. Delivery men should be more appreciated, and more people should invite them into their homes, and thank them personally. It give you that small town feeling that I feel is missing in the modern community.
Next time you see your local delivery man, I encourage you to talk to him, and personally thank him for his services, he works long and hard days to deliver the package, he brings you your entertainment, sometimes its big, sometimes its small, but each time it fill you with joy, and you need to repay him, it doesn't have to be money, just make him feel good.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Hulu Vs Netflix
Hulu has less movies than Netflix, but most people can agree that most movies on netflix aren't that great, it has some, but not even close to all or most of the good movies out there in the world. Most people just watch series, most popular are Parcs and rec, the walking dead, arrow, south parc, supernatural, and others. Hulu has all of these, and they show them the day after they are showed on TV.
The main reason that Hulu is looked down on by people is that it plays ads, and if you think that this makes it worse than Netflix you are super inpatient. Hulu has adds because they have to spend more money to get the shows right when they come out. Which would you rather have, wait 30 seconds for your show to continue, just a couple of times each episode, not nearly as bad as commercials on television. Or would you rather have no 30 second commercials, and have to wait over a year to see the next season of your show.
Most people with brains could agree that it is worth the ads, and that having to wait a year for your show to come out is not worth no commercials. So open your eyes don't let Netflix have the "I phone effect" on you (its an I phone so its the best automatically), don't just assume its the best because its name is more popular. Look through the options, and you will find out that hulu is better than Netflix, and you will want to change. Think it over, and choose wisely.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Passing the Time: Updated
The idea I am about to share with you is.... make friends.
I am not saying that you don't have friends, everyone has at least a few friends, somebody that they can hang out with, vent to, or simply get along with. But if those friends aren't in your everyday life, if you are bored alone, the boredom intensifies. Having somebody to entertain you can help a lot. Think about the people who hate school the most, is it the popular kids, is it the kids that have their friends in every class... no. Its the kids who don't reach out to anyone, its those of you who are too shy to talk to people, to get to know people, and to have fun with other people.
If you simply reach out and talk to people, you will like to be by them in class, you will want to work with them in class, and if you want an A in that class, you will just work with Tyler Dennis. But if you are talking to people, if you have friends in your class, you will look forward to that class, gym class is fun, but sometimes I hate it because its with people I don't know. Fun classes can be made bad if you are with the wrong people, but boring classes can be fun if you reach out and make friends with people, make school better for yourself, and make some friends.
Smart Lunch, what should I do?
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Random phone games
What do you do when you are bored? When you have nothing to do, when youre in between assignments. Most would check social media like twitter, instagram, reddit, etc. But there is a limited amount to see on these. one you have seen everything new since the last time you checked, there is not much to do. So what do you do once you have seen all of the content on social media? You look for fun and random phone games to play.
It is suprising looking back on my two years of high school how simple, stupid, and silly the games I have played on my phone are. But it's just not me being an oddball of society, being an introverted freak staring into my phone screen throughout the day, It's everyone. Some games are understandable, like angry birds, a game that tests your knowledge of phisics. But some are just plain stupid, like cookie clickers, and angry bird and crossy road.
I look back and wonder, how in the heck was everyone so intreagued by this simplistic, elementary game. For example, in cookie clicker all you do is endlessly tap a screen, just so that you can get enough upgrades to tap the screen for more imaginary currency. And once you reach the highest level of the game. It taps the screen for you just so you can get the imaginary currency to upgrade further and have it tap the screen for you for even more! And you repeat this process until the game dies out of popularity, and another game like flappy bird becomes the most popular game in the school.
I wonder what makes us want to play these games. Weather we just have to get to the top of the mountain because we have nothing better to do. Or if we just want to be able to show it to people to show them how great you are. Or if we are actually entertained by staring at a screen and doing nothing. But more than all I wonder if I will look back at the games I play right now and call them stupid and pointless.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Great Outdoors, Why?
When you are in nature it's not like a picture on google images, you can actually feel the wind , and temperature, and humidity, and the sounds around you. When you are at an overlook it is like looking at a beautiful picture, but it is a whole new scenario, you are at the edge of a cliff, you can look over the edge, see the steep drop. you can use more senses than you can on google images, instead of only seeing with your eyes, you are seeing with your ears, eyes, nose, and the feeling. You have that feeling of fresh air, and the sense of accomplishment after hiking miles or paddling for miles to get to that one beautiful view that will be the highlight of your trip.
Its also about the interactions you are having with the people you are traveling with. Throughout a backpacking or canoeing trip you will get much closer with the person of persons you are going with. When you set down for camp you do everything together, go get water, eat, entertain yourselves with cards, and other simple games. Throughout the trip, as you get closer, working together may even be second nature, you will have great coordination with them, if there is a strong current one way in a river you are canoeing in, no words even will have to be exchanges, you will both just do your job, knowing what the other will do, because you have spent so much time with each other.
Lastly, the most important and overlooked, doing these things are massive stress relievers, you don't have to worry about that massive packet you have to do in math, or the 3 blogs you still haven't started this week, or any other work you may have. Its just you and the world, and it gives you this pure, simplistic feeling that is second to none.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
With your friends: Prank Wars
Prank wars are fun to do with your friends, but should not be taken too far, doing anything that would cause actual damage to property should never be attempted, only harmless, and maybe annoying things, such as tee-peeing, saran wrapping your friends car, and forking their yard.
For those of you who don't know a whole lot about pranking, tee-peeing is when you get a whole bunch of toilet paper, and throw it all over their yard, and maybe house, get it tangled in their tree, this is probably the most severe prank you can do without damaging physical property, saran wrapping somebody's car is simple, you get a couple hundred feet of saran wrap, wrap it around their car, over the windshield, door handle, side mirrors, all over the place so it is just really hard, and annoying to take off, and if you friend is silly enough to leave their car doors unlocked, take a bottle of perfume or axe deodorant with you, and spray it all over the inside of their car, to make it smell terrible. Saran wrapping is my personal favorite prank. The third, and least common is forking, It has to be around this time of year (10/4/2015) because the forks that you stick into the ground have to get stuck. What you do for forking is get a whole bunch of plastic party forks, and simply stick them all over in the ground, when they wake up in the morning, then will not be able to pull them up, and there will be a bunch of forks, and broken forks sticking out of their lawn.
All three of these are very fun to do. Although they may seem mean, you are supposed to do them to you friends, with your Friends, you should not do this to random people, and especially not to teachers. and also remember that all of these are harmless, no physical damage should be done, and it should only be done if you do something wrong. Having a prank war with your friends is so fun because you get to see the reaction of your friends, and you will always have to keep on your toes because you could be next. It is most definitely the most fun thing you can do, and it leaves you with amazing memories, that will last a long time.
Tick Tock
The first is intervals, you take your shift, or school day, and split it into time segments. Say you are working a 5 hour shift later today, you will split it into segments between 30 minutes, and an hour. Say we choose 30 minutes for this shift. It is split into 10 different segments. Just in case you have to work late, or just for a extra bonus to feel good at the end of the shift, add another hour, or segment onto yours. So for my example I am working a 5 hour shift, that is split into 12 thirty minute segments. At the start of your shift you can look at your watch. But it works best if you try and predict what time it is. So whenever you feel like it has been 30 minutes, look down, and check your watch. If you are doing something boring, it may feel slow at times, but if you feel bored, a lot of the times (at least for me) I look down after what has seemed like a long 30 minutes, and it has turned out to be 45 minutes. When you are at your half way mark, you are actually past the half way mark in your shift, that is if you can trick yourself into thinking that your shift is longer than it actually is.
I really think this can genuinely help you get through the day quicker, with less boredom, and you will feel better afterwards, I still don't think that it is as good as the other method. But if you have the self discipline to look down at your watch whenever it feels like its been 30 minutes instead of every 5 minutes, it is a very effective strategy that I would recommend to anyone.
How to make the time go by
The first way to try and pass time, may be the hardest, it requires a lot of discipline, but it is probably the most effective way. Simply do everything in your power to not look at the clock, or at your watch. At first when you do this 10 minutes pass, and it feels like an hour, but that is because you are doing it wrong. The point of not looking at the clock is that you will forget about the time. If you are constantly thinking about the time, or if you even look once every fifteen minutes, you will just make it even worse. When this does work, you completely forget to care about what time it is, and a class that is an hour long, will feel like a breeze. This is a very effective strategy to pass the time, but if not done correctly it can also be punishing, because if you are mentally making an effort to do this you will be thinking about the time for at least a couple of minutes, and those couple of minutes feel like longer than it actually is, and if you give into the pressure, you will have to start over, and after you do that a couple of times, it has only been ten minutes, when it felt like it was thirty minutes.
So if you are willing to try, enter at your own risk, if you fail this, it will be terrible for you, an hour will feel like days, and you will never, ever want to try this again. But you just have to give it a try, it is the very best way in my opinion of entertaining yourself, when you have no entertainment available, and if it works for you, you will absolutely love it and try it every single, school, or work day.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
More and more kids are having less and less friends, and now, they don't even need them. Some kids literally don't have any friends, and don't even realize what they are missing, because all the social interaction they need is the television screen, and seeing the main characters of a show have a relationship. Some shows even make people not want to have friends, and human interactions because of how crazy and stupid people are (Jersey Shore). Some people just don't want anything to do with that part of life, so they would rather just watch crazy things happen to other people, or other people do daring things, and not risk anything themselves, they would rather just let other people do it and watch, while they laugh at, or with the characters of the show, or game.
Another thing that has come out of new technology is relationships and friendships online. People who play online may talk to other people playing the same game as them, find out they have some things in common, and end up becoming friends, or even in a relationship. Even if you have known somebody for a year, do you really known them. It is not the same as a long distance relationship because you have never seen them before. I'm not saying this because I'm a shallow person, and saying "what if they were ugly the whole time, and you didn't even know". A lot of you men and woman have been abducted, or murdered because they had online friend ships of relationships, and when they finally went to meet up, one of them was not who they said they were, and on of them never comes back home. Or even on a less dramatic scale, what if somebody is completely nice over the screen, or letter, and then you see them in person and they are a complete slob, and you are a clean freak. It will hinder how well you will get along with each other. Body language can go a long way too, what if they were ignoring you the whole time online, and you couldn't notice because you couldn't see if they were doing something else while you were talking to them, maybe they don't know as much about you as you know about them.
In just this short decade or two kids have become less social, and more introverted, and secluded. What will happen in the next 25 years, will technology become more advanced, will you not have to leave your room for anything, there already are online schools, and plenty of entertainment. what will come next. Or have we reached the peak, and kids are already secluded as possible. Or will we begin to correct ourselves, and become less dependent on technology, and start having more friends, and social interactions.
Watching Vs. Playing
There is no doubt that it is better for your health to be out playing a sport, rather than inside watching it on the TV. And secondly, playing sports is better than watching for the same reason I believe playing video games is better than watching TV or Netflix. Because it is interactive. While watching the game you get to know the players (if you watch it enough), and you get to see the struggles, the bad calls, and all the really great stuff that people talk about when they talk about football, like interceptions, and touchdowns. but when you are playing the game for yourself, in real life. All of those troubles, and all of the experiences are your experiences. The week after you get back from playing an actual game you will be talking about how I did in the game, the plays i made. Not how the packers did, or how Iowa did.
Also you don't have to sit there are be annoyed or aggravated by the decisions made. The ref has all the authority and there is no arguing that. But you don't have to sit there and ask "What the heck was that throw?!" or "Why didn't he go for the first down". Because you are making the decisions. You have only yourself, and maybe your teammates to be angry at. And when you do something rewarding, the feeling is much better than watching somebody that you have never even met before do it.
And the last reason it is way better to play a game instead of watch it is because it is social. You can sit on your couch and watch a game, and it will be entertaining. But if you are out there playing it, you are having social interactions, and having those fond memories or playing with your acquaintances. People walk around with jerseys of players names, and I really don't think it matters. I think the only reason you should have a name on the back of your jersey is if it is yours, or somebody you actually know.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Whats The Best?
Many think that television and Netflix is the most entertaining past time, but i disagree. I think that Video games are the most entertaining because they are interactive. Movies you just sit there and everything happens, and you cringe because the characters are doing the stupidest things possible. In the game, you are in control, it is your own virtual reality.
Some think the point of entertainment, and relaxing is to sit down and not have to stress themselves with decisions, and aggravations, and stress that video games have the potential to create. But those decisions, the things that make you angry in the game, and the stress that you go through doing whatever it is you have to do to progress, that is what makes it so much more better. The best memories you have in life are when you overcome those challenges, and get the feeling of completeness. When you sit down and watch something you don't remember it as fondly as you would the game. That just puts video games over the top, and what makes them the best kind of entertainment.
Playing with your friends is even better, when you play with your friends it feels like you are accomplishing things together. You go in on whatever game, work together, and accomplish things, you have to work together, and when you go through a struggle and win, you get the rush of excitement that is nearly unmatched. Video games are simply better than movies and TV shows because you get the sense of accomplishment at the end that is amazing. Maybe that is why some people are considered "addicts" to games.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Entertainment slows us down?
A less progressive future
Today, all the new inventions and innovations seem to be linked to mainly entertainment, like new gadgets, phone, gaming systems. Not as important things like the automobile, or electricity. Its all about entertainment now. Are we slowing down progression in actual great discoveries and inventions. Or have we already discovered everything there is in the world, have we harnessed all of the power possible in the universe, I myself don't think so, I just think that everyone is too caught up in making new innovations to their gadgets.
Another way that entertainment may make us less productive is that it is simply just a distraction. People would rather look at their monitor or their screen than go look in nature, of try to do something productive. Think back to when you were a kid, when there was far less technology. I know that I and many of my childhood friends would go and do something not in front of a screen, we would adventure in to the backyard and play in the dirt. dig holes, and get dirty, making discoveries daily.
In the past, when there were less distractions, there were great people who made great inventions, and progression was incredibly fast. Today, many people go to work or school, go home, and sit in front of a screen, not even noticing if it is raining, or lightening, because they are too distracted by it, and it is irrelevant to them. it gets worse with every generation. I went into a restaurant about a week ago and saw a kid crying, and his parents just gave him their iPad, and the child stopped, technology is being used like a pacifier for children, and now a days children are developing a addiction to technology before they even enter grade school. That is why technology and current entertainment is slowing us down, and why it is making the world a less productive place.
The Past
So back 200 years ago, was it easier get bored, were they even bored. Or did they not consider themselves as bored because they just didn't experience quality entertainment?