Thursday, September 24, 2015

Whats The Best?

Entertainment has progressed rapidly, and has become very, well... entertaining. But what is the most entertaining thing to do on our new gadgets. I think that the most fun thing that you can do is hop online with your friends and play some video games. Before you keep reading, do know, that i am a big nerd.

Many think that television and Netflix is the most entertaining past time, but i disagree. I think that Video games are the most entertaining because they are interactive. Movies you just sit there and everything happens, and you cringe because the characters are doing the stupidest things possible. In the game, you are in control, it is your own virtual reality.

Some think the point of entertainment, and relaxing is to sit down and not have to stress themselves with decisions, and aggravations, and stress that video games have the potential to create. But those decisions, the things that make you angry in the game, and the stress that you go through doing whatever it is you have to do to progress, that is what makes it so much more better. The best memories you have in life are when you overcome those challenges, and get the feeling of completeness. When you sit down and watch something you don't remember it as fondly as you would the game. That just puts video games over the top, and what makes them the best kind of entertainment.

Playing with your friends is even better, when you play with your friends it feels like you are accomplishing things together. You go in on whatever game, work together, and accomplish things, you have to work together, and when you go through a struggle and win, you get the rush of excitement that is nearly unmatched. Video games are simply better than movies and TV shows because you get the sense of accomplishment at the end that is amazing. Maybe that is why some people are considered "addicts" to games.

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