Sunday, September 20, 2015

A less progressive future

Think again into the past, back when there was far less entertainment. They had far less entertainment than us, did this mean that they had less distractions, and more productivity. Think back into the early years of the Americas, and even the British colonies. They did not have near the amount of entertainment that we have today, but they also accomplished a lot more. The inventions and innovations back then were far more useful, new, and unique things, inventors were actually inventing things that were amazing pieces of technology, not to say that today we don't have amazing new technology. But think back on how many new ideas there were, electricity, automobiles, bifocals, the printing press. All of these things were ginormous leaps in technology.

Today, all the new inventions and innovations seem to be linked to mainly entertainment, like new gadgets, phone, gaming systems. Not as important things like the automobile, or electricity. Its all about entertainment now. Are we slowing down progression in actual great discoveries and inventions. Or have we already discovered everything there is in the world, have we harnessed all of the power possible in the universe, I myself don't think so, I just think that everyone is too caught up in making new innovations to their gadgets.

Another way that entertainment may make us less productive is that it is simply just a distraction. People would rather look at their monitor or their screen than go look in nature, of try to do something productive. Think back to when you were a kid, when there was far less technology. I know that I and many of my childhood friends would go and do something not in front of a screen, we would adventure in to the backyard and play in the dirt. dig holes, and get dirty, making discoveries daily.

In the past, when there were less distractions, there were great people who made great inventions, and progression was incredibly fast. Today, many people go to work or school, go home, and sit in front of a screen, not even noticing if it is raining, or lightening, because they are too distracted by it, and it is irrelevant to them. it gets worse with every generation. I went into a restaurant about a week ago and saw a kid crying, and his parents just gave him their iPad, and the child stopped, technology is being used like a pacifier for children, and now a days children are developing a addiction to technology before they even enter grade school. That is why technology and current entertainment is slowing us down, and why it is making the world a less productive place.

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