Sunday, November 1, 2015

Passing the Time: Updated

A few weeks ago I gave you some insight on how to pass the time, and I introduced a few strategies that involved simply tricking your mind into thinking that time is flying, or tricking you mind to not think about time at all. But now, I have experienced a all new entertainment low in my work life, and school life, and I have derived from it a brand new, revolutionary idea. You will never be bored, work and school will be far less painful, and you will be happier, and more energetic because of it.
The idea I am about to share with you is.... make friends.

I am not saying that you don't have friends, everyone has at least a few friends, somebody that they can hang out with, vent to, or simply get along with. But if those friends aren't in your everyday life, if you are bored alone, the boredom intensifies. Having somebody to entertain you can help a lot. Think about the people who hate school the most, is it the popular kids, is it the kids that have their friends in every class... no. Its the kids who don't reach out to anyone, its those of you who are too shy to talk to people, to get to know people, and to have fun with other people.

If you simply reach out and talk to people, you will like to be by them in class, you will want to work with them in class, and if you want an A in that class, you will just work with Tyler Dennis. But if you are talking to people, if you have friends in your class, you will look forward to that class, gym class is fun, but sometimes I hate it because its with people I don't know. Fun classes can be made bad if you are with the wrong people, but boring classes can be fun if you reach out and make friends with people, make school better for yourself, and make some friends.

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