Sunday, November 15, 2015

Spotify vs. Pandora

Pandora a few years ago defiantly dominated the online music industry. It was the first online music website and app that got huge. And people loved it, me included. You could simply put in an author or a genre and it would generate a playlist just for you. But now there is Spotify, a new music website that is different than Pandora, you can choose your own songs individually, and get rid of them as you please. In this comparison, i will only be talking about the free versions.

Spotify is better than Spotify on computer in my opinion because you can choose your songs specifically, you can skip and back up, and skip to any point in the song as you please. You would be  crazy if you thought that Pandora is better than Spotify, but that is only on the computer, what most people listen to is their phone, and Spotify on your phone is different, you can only skip a few, and you cannot skip songs like you can on the computer. You can still select your songs, but it will not pick the songs that you pick, after the first song, it starts playing random songs that you may not even like. 

Pandora is better on the phone in my opinion because it is the same on the website, you can dislike and like song so that the songs you are listening to so that it will only play the songs you like, in my personal opinion, spotify is better for me just because I listen primarily on the computer. But your favorite will almost entirely be dependent on what you listen to, Pandora of Spotify, death metal is horrible.

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