Sunday, November 1, 2015

Smart Lunch, what should I do?

Last year Mr. Kline, the relatively new principle of our fine school, introduced a new lunch system that sounded great, and ended up even better. It was called smart lunch, smart lunch is a 1.5 hour lunch that can be used to great effect to get school work done, and make up work without having to stay after school, or go in before school. Or it can just be an extra long lunch. Either way, the love for smart lunch is almost unanimous.

I myself love smart lunch, I would like to think that I use smart lunch to great use. Even though I can leave, and I only live a few minutes drive away from school, I often resist the temptation to go home and entertain myself, I instead decide to stay at school and bore myself, and starve myself, and do as much work as I can, for an hour and a half. For 5th and 6th hour, this is awful. I am hungry, and angry. I wish I went out with my friends, had some fun, and were entertained during smart lunch. But I decided to do work, its a terrible feeling. 

But after school is over, and you get home, and you have an amazing feeling that trumps the bad feeling that you had for the past 2 hours. You get the feeling of accomplishment, you lose something that you would almost always have if we did not have smart lunch, homework! 

I cannot force myself to stay and work through both tutorials and do work every day, but I do it about twice a week, and it really helps me finish my school work. I suggest that you that you use your smart lunch wisely, and that you don't leave every day. You don't have to do homework every day by any means, but you should not leave every day, or stay in the lunch room every day for both tutorials, if you put in some time to work on your work in smart lunch, you will be much more happy at night, and your life at Kennedy will be far less stressful.

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