Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Console vs PC

Xbox or PlayStation, there has been many discussions on which one is better. They are the same. "But the Xbox's controller is worse than the PlayStation's!" Shush your face, they are the same, just get the one your friend has so you can play together... But consoles vs PC has been discussed a lot, and I myself sometimes get in arguments with friends about which is better. Consoles have slightly more reliability, more family friendly games, and are cheaper. But PC's are far more customization, they update frequently, you don't have to re-buy all your games when a new system comes out, and you can play a much wider variety of games.

Consoles are better for families, you can play split screen games, and party games that you just can't play on the computer, a computer has one keyboard, and one mouse, and is only supposed to be for one person, but a console has four controllers, and can sometimes even hold more. If you are a more social  gamer, then a console is right for you.

Consoles are cheaper, and you don't have to worry about them as much, a typical console is about $350, while a decent computer, with all of its accessories can range from $500, to $2000, some can even be more. But with consoles everyone has the same, and you don't have to worry about any processors, video cards, fps, and in my own experience, you don't have to worry about latency as much. While with a PC, you do have to worry about fps, because if you have bad equipment you will have a bad gaming experience, and in my own experience you have to worry about latency, because those with lower latency will have a better experience. But since it costs more, it is far more customizable , you can build you own PC, and you can pick and choose the different parts that you want, so that you will love it. You have a bad computer that holds you back in your ability, or you can have a great computer that pushes you forward to the top.

PC's do cost more, but if you take care of it, and it doesn't break for a long time, then it is not as bad as it seems, consoles every so often, just two years ago the new systems of the Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4 came out. When new consoles come out, they make the old consoles obsolete, and basically force you to buy the new consoles, then once you have the new console, you will have to buy a new controller, the games for it. This can add up very quickly, when you have to replace a new computer, you will still have all of your games, and unless you want to get an upgrade, you will still have your mice, headset, and keyboard.

I personally like computer because its what my friends play, also, you can play far more games on the PC than on consoles because you can have over 100 key combinations, meaning more commands for in game, when in consoles, there is only a dozen at most. When it comes down to it, its really just how much money are you willing to spend, what games do you like to play, and do you want to play, and what your friends play.

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