Sunday, October 4, 2015

How to make the time go by

As your life goes on, and as the world progresses, you find better entertainment more suited to what you like. And I think that that can increase your boredom when you are not doing those things that you love to do. When you are at work, at school, or simply can do what you really love doing, you get bored, more bored than you could possibly get when you were little, and more bored than people could have gotten thirty years ago. When i get bored, I really get desperate, and I try and find ways to pass the time. And using just my watch, or purposely not using my watch, I have found some helpful ways to pass the time.

The first way to try and pass time, may be the hardest, it requires a lot of discipline, but it is probably the most effective way. Simply do everything in your power to not look at the clock, or at your watch. At first when you do this 10 minutes pass, and it feels like an hour, but that is because you are doing it wrong. The point of not looking at the clock is that you will forget about the time. If you are constantly thinking about the time, or if you even look once every fifteen minutes, you will just make it even worse. When this does work, you completely forget to care about what time it is, and a class that is an hour long, will feel like a breeze. This is a very effective strategy to pass the time, but if not done correctly it can also be punishing, because if you are mentally making an effort to do this you will be thinking about the time for at least a couple of minutes, and those couple of minutes feel like longer than it actually is, and if you give into the pressure, you will have to start over, and after you do that a couple of times, it has only been ten minutes, when it felt like it was thirty minutes.

So if you are willing to try, enter at your own risk, if you fail this, it will be terrible for you, an hour will feel like days, and you will never, ever want to try this again. But you just have to give it a try, it is the very best way in my opinion of entertaining yourself, when you have no entertainment available, and if it works for you, you will absolutely love it and try it every single, school, or work day.

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