Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Reason cramming all my work right now

I'll just do it right when I get home, it sounds like a good plan, but then when I get home I feel like I deserve some rest after a long day of school. I've been sitting in a chair doing work for 8 hours, I owe it to myself to relax, I work a long, hard, day, and I deserve this. Then after its about 8 O'clock already because I have wasted my night eating, playing games, and watching TV. And I procrastinate more, and most can probably relate with the Sunday struggle. But I take it even further, I love smart lunch, and I talked in a blog a few weeks ago about how I utilize smart lunch, and how I utilize it very well, and how everyone should. And I do utilize it, but I don't work on tonight homework, I work on yesterdays homework, in fact, that's what i'm doing right now, writing this blog.

I know its hard, but if you can, just try not to be like me, don't get behind, If i simply sat down for one night and just do work for one or two hours instead of procrastinating, I would no longer be behind, I would be able to eat at smart lunch, and I would not have as much anxiety about getting done my school work, just do your homework right when you get home, I myself don't do it very often, and I am trying to get better at it, even though I probably won't do it tonight even though I am telling myself right now to do it. But if you are better than me, if you have the self discipline to force yourself to just do it. You will love yourself, you will have a less stressful life, and you will be a happier person, not to mention you will have far better grades, and probably be smarter than me.

Don't let this happen to you, because it escalates, it gets worse and worse, and your grades will suffer as mine have. It is a terrible habit, and if you can break, it. You will be far better in school, and you will be more responsible as you enter senior year, college, and even your future job.

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