Sunday, April 10, 2016

Super Fun, or Perhaps Annoying

Friends can be bad influences, but they can also be hilarious, fun, and very encouraging at the same time. Nobody is perfect, but that is what makes people people. and that is what makes us all love each other. Friends understand that a simple pranks are just for fun, not targeting or picking on each other

Prank wars are fun to do with your friends, but should not be taken too far, doing anything that would cause actual damage to property should never be attempted, only harmless, and maybe annoying things, such as tee-peeing, saran wrapping your friends car, and forking their yard.

For those of you who don't know a whole lot about pranking, tee-peeing is when you get a whole bunch of toilet paper, and throw it all over their yard, and maybe house, get it tangled in their tree, this is probably the most severe prank you can do without damaging physical property, saran wrapping somebody's car is simple, you get a couple hundred feet of saran wrap, wrap it around their car, over the windshield, door handle, side mirrors, all over the place so it is just really hard, and annoying to take off, and if you friend is silly enough to leave their car doors unlocked, take a bottle of perfume or axe deodorant with you, and spray it all over the inside of their car, to make it smell terrible. Saran wrapping is my personal favorite prank. The third, and least common is forking, It has to be around this time of year (10/4/2015) because the forks that you stick into the ground have to get stuck. What you do for forking is get a whole bunch of plastic party forks, and simply stick them all over in the ground, when they wake up in the morning, then will not be able to pull them up, and there will be a bunch of forks, and broken forks sticking out of their lawn.

All three of these are very fun to do. Although they may seem mean, you are supposed to do them to you friends, with your Friends, you should not do this to random people, and especially not to teachers. and also remember that all of these are harmless, no physical damage should be done, and it should only be done if you do something wrong.

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